When preparing for your initial physical therapy appointment, be sure to write down the important facts about the history of your problem. By writing things down, you are less likely to forget or miss important facts. Try to answer the following:
- When and how did your problem begin?
- What was your functional mobility status prior to your injury?
- How often do the symptoms recur?
- How is that problem changing?
- What makes things better or worse?
- Manual Therapy
- We treat soft tissue injuries, pain, and dysfunction related to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and bursa. We can increase range of motion (ROM), decrease pain, decrease edema, reduce scar adhesions, and increase function.
- Soft Tissue Massage/Mobilization
- Our physical therapist targets muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia, and bursa soft tissue injuries, pain, and dysfunctions to increase range of motion (ROM), decrease pain, decrease edema, reduce scar adhesions, and increase function.
- Therapeutic Exercises
- Our physical therapist creates a customized training regiment that’s specific to your injury or surgery recovery. We monitor your training and rehabilitative exercises to maximize the speed and efficacy of your recovery.
- Gait and Balance Training
- Our physical therapist performs gait analysis and balance examinations following your injury or surgery to give you the confidence to return to normal walking activities.
- Modalities
- Our physical therapist uses various treatments and techniques such as ultrasound, TENS, interferrential, electical stimulation and heat/ice.
- Sports Taping
- Sports taping techniques or applying sports tape to support weak or injured joints is often used in sports rehabilitation.
- Acupressure
- Similar to acupuncture, acupressure provides the same benefits as acupressure without needles to promote recovery and alleviate pain.
- Plyometrics Training
- Plyometrics training is focused on producing fast, powerful, explosive muscles that improve athletic performance and promote the nervous system.
- Proprioceptive Training
- Proprioceptive training increases sensory feedback and positional awareness of the body for rehabilitation and prevention of injury.
- Postural and Ergonomic Re-Education
- Our therapists are experts in biomechanics and postural awareness. We evaluate and train you to maintain correct posture for activities of daily living and work related activities
We invest in continuing education.
We invest in continuing education.
We are passionate about providing the best treatment possible. We frequently travel to seminars to learn the latest techniques in physical therapy. These techniques include in neural and visceral mobilization, myofascial release, joint and spinal manipulation, craniosacral therapy and TPI.